What Happened to LeAlan and Lloyd?

We've listened to and read LeAlan's and Lloyd's stories about growing up on Chicago's South Side. LeAlan and Lloyd continued their individual struggles to break the boundaries and boxes that attempted to encircle them in lives devoid of hope.
To learn more about what they are doing now, read and listen to The Changing World's recent post.
You may comment on what you have learned about where each of them are now.
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I thought that LeAlan would be in better shape. Though he does have a good job he is on the brink of losing his house and is a single father of two children. He did finish college. He is really mad because of the way his mother acted when she had relapse. He was mad because because of his dad. His dad was a drug addict and an ex-felon. His sister is proud of him. She likes him because he is honest. Though he is in great shape i thought he would be in better shape.
period 8-9
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Well, they both ended up in a good spot. But reading about LeAlan v.s Lloyd, i seems that LeAlan is doing a lot better in Life because it says that he attends a College and that he is majoring in criminology. And also it says that he got a lot of honors in the documentary. And with Lloyd it just say that he got like, one award and LeAlan got like, five. However, they are both, (as it seems), doing very well in life, with both education and family wise. Overall they are probably doing better then anyone else every did in the Ida B. Well housing prodjects.
Marina period 8
Overall I think that LeAlan and Lloyd are doing well. I did think they would have done better. LeAlan is a football coach, went to college and is a mentor, so he's doing pretty well, although he is still about to lose his house and has to manage 2 children by himself. Lloyd, even though he didn't contribute as much as LeAlan, I really thought would be doing better. He didn't win nearly as many awards as LeAlan, but he still did O.K. Overall, I think they are doing outstanding for people from the projects in South Side Chicago.
Per 3/4
Listening to the Changeling World was very interesting and not surprising to me. I feel that both of them are doing fine and that they are on the right path. I feel that both of them have escaped their own box of being in the ghetto. Even though LeAlan is about to loose his house and that he is a father and that he cannot support his family is a bit upsetting. Althoug he is still trying he should be proud of himself and he should be in better shape with his life and he should have more control over his actions. I feel that Lloyd is doing great and that he is on his way to start fresh I feel that he has found that key to the door of escaping the box.
Tiffany Craig
pd. 3-4
LeAlan and Lloyd are both doing very well in life for growing up in the ghetto. Although Lloyd has not won as many awards as LeAlan, Lloyd is doing very well. They both have done great things in life, and it cannot be measured by how many medals they have won. They have definitely both left the box of the ghetto. LeAlan went to college, he's now a football coach, and he is a mentor! They have escaped their box and are both leading good lives.
pd. 3-4
Well, I think that LeAlan and Llyod are doing fine for them selves. LeAlan have both left the ghetto behind them and started new lives. Its kind of sad when you know LeAlan is gonna lose his house when he is a father. I think LeAlan could be doing better if he worked for it, but i bet at that time its hard to be a father to. And as for Lloyd I think that he is doing fine and that he should keep making money to support his family and whatnot. There doing good for them selves.
Sam 1
Period 3-4
LeAlan Jones and Lloyd Newman are great examples of how hard work and determination pays off. It did not bother them where they came from, and the people around them, they still end up like they said in their interviews. No drugs, a job, a good education, and went to college. LeAlan is now 29 years old. LeAlan is a football coach, a high school football coach, unfortunately a single father of two, and a mentor to inner city youth in Chicago, Ill. LeAlan is not like most of the fathers that are from the ghetto, he wakes his children up every morning for school, and make sure they do what they need to do in school. He cares about them. LeAlans grandmother is now dead; she died because she had a tumor. Because of LeAlans success, he is not welcomed back into his community. LeAlans mother is now in a resident in a rehabilitation facility. Lloyds father Chill died, his sister Sophia died, and his grandmother died.
Per. 8-9
I thought that LeAlan was doing pretty good for his situation in the beginning. Even though he was going to loose his families house because of the economic crisis, and has to raise 2 children alone I think he has taken control of the family and is taking care of them. Even though he has had hardships in his life, good things have happened too. He has 2 kids that are going to school, he went to college himself, has a good job, and has recieved many awards. I think he is doing very well. Lloyd however seems like he is not doing as well. It does not give a lot of information about him, but you get the idea that LeAlan and Lloyd don't talk much anymore. Many of his close family memebers are dead and it must have been very hard on him. I think they are both doing very well for children who grew up in the ghetto. It seems that they are the only ones in their families who have made it out of the box. Most children growing up there probably wouldn't have made it as far as they have.
doyle period 3-4
Uhhh... interesting, sad, but not surprised by were they ended up, because that's they way ther were heading, so yeah. sad because Lloyd's Father,Grandmother and sister died. interestin because it filled that american curiosity of "did have a happy ending", this has a sweet and sour ending.
loren 8-9 :P
I am very pleased with the way Lloyd LeAlan's lives turned out. LeAan has been through many struggles, from his mothers illness to his uncles' deaths. I do believe that he escaped the ghetto, considering he is now a football coach, lecturer, and works as director of emissions. LeAlan and Lloyd did not end up like the kid in his class who brought brought a revolver to school, who is now locked up for murder. Both Lloyd and LeAlan new from a very little age that they wanted to survive the ghetto. Lloyd and LeAlan have escaped the ghetto box. Even though Lloyd seems to still be recovering from the deaths of his sister, father, and grandmother, he has done great things with his life as well as LeAlan.
Period 8/9
Fifteen years ago Jessie Rankins, and Tykeece Johnson threw Eric morse out of a Window. Since then they have been in and out of prison, but every time they get out they just end up getting back in for robbing a shop or some other crime that they could have easily gotten by with. They have been both on and off with jobs, but none that are really satisfactory. Rankins seems to have a better life currently. He has a red pit bull that he treats like a son, this dog, Cosmo is his most valued thing on earth. He also has a wife. This odd little "family" is living in a beat up house that they are being rented to by family of the wife of Renkins. He says that he will never forget Eric Morse, and there will always be a place in his heart for him, during a recent interview he showed the "Tribune" Reporter a tattoo over his hear that is of a grave stone that has "Eric Moros, 1985-1995" despite the incorrect spelling for the name and incorrect date of birth this is a wonderful tribute. On the other hand though Johnson feels quite different, saying that he has no thoughts of Eric Morse.
Rex - Per3/4
Fifteen years ago Jessie Rankins, and Tykeece Johnson threw Eric morse out of a Window. Since then they have been in and out of prison, but every time they get out they just end up getting back in for robbing a shop or some other crime that they could have easily gotten by with. They have been both on and off with jobs, but none that are really satisfactory. Rankins seems to have a better life currently. He has a red pit bull that he treats like a son, this dog, Cosmo is his most valued thing on earth. He also has a wife. This odd little "family" is living in a beat up house that they are being rented to by family of the wife of Renkins. He says that he will never forget Eric Morse, and there will always be a place in his heart for him, during a recent interview he showed the "Tribune" Reporter a tattoo over his hear that is of a grave stone that has "Eric Moros, 1985-1995" despite the incorrect spelling for the name and incorrect date of birth this is a wonderful tribute. On the other hand though Johnson feels quite different, saying that he has no thoughts of Eric Morse.
Rex - Per3/4
From listening to "The Changing World" on CPR, i learned aboutLeAlan and Lloyd's individual struggles to break the boundaries and boxes that attempted to encirle them in lives devoid of hope. I learned there lives like they were through the eyes of both boys; the eyes of the ghetto.
LeAlan's and Lloyd's lives have changed dramatically since they did the documentary about ghetto life, ultimately for the better. Listening to their documentary was very fascinating and suprising. As children growing up in the ghetto, LeAlan and Lloyd had to go through terrifying experiences, most of which children living outside of the ghetto would not know about until much later in their lives. I am very happy to be able to say that these two children have indeeed escaped the huge boxes they were put in by living in the ghetto. They both have managed to move out of the ghetto and have started very opportunistic activities. LeAlan and Lloyd are two very good examples of how people can overcome their restrictions if they stay determined. In this case, both children did not let the horrible drug dealings, shootings, stabings, and killings be their life. They kept on the right path and are on a greater path now.
LeALan is currently 29 years old, has a job, a good education, and he went to college. He is a high school football coach, unfortunately a single father of two, and a mentor to inner city youth in Chicago, Ill. LeAlan is a very responsible and caring father. He walks his children to school every morning, and makes sure that they do their homework and other school related activities. LeALan's family doing alright, although his grandmother is now dead due to a tumor, and his father, Chill and his sister, Sophia are also dead. His mother is now a resident in a rehabilitation facility.
Lloyd is currently doin very well, and enjoys talking with friends, playing chess, and driving. He shares with his good friend LeAlan, along with David Isay, the considerable awards that were given to the two documentaries, including the Livingston Award, the George Foster Peabody Award, and the grand prize from the Robert F. Kennedy Journalism Awards, which was a first for a radio program.
Matthew Garvey, Per. 3-4
Listening to this made me think that LeAlan is successful having a job, and having gone to college. Lloyd is a little worse off because of the deaths in his family, but hasn't been sucked into the gangs.
I think its great that LeAlan is now a mentor to other high school kids (like he was) to help them to get out of their ghetto/box and avoid gangs. Hearing about his grandma was sad, but I'm glad she stayed alive when LeAlan most needed her. Its also sad about his moms illness. Lloyd's life sounds sadder though. His sister, father, and grandma died which I don't know if I could stand if that happened to me. I also its good the school has gotten better and the kids are better behaved.
Sam 0 P. 8-9
LeAlan could have done better. He is losing his house and raising 2 children by himself, but at least he got out of the ghetto. I found the part about his mother was interesting. Is her rehabilitation facility on the street California? If it is I think I might have seen it, strange coincidence. I'm happy that LeAlan finished college. Wonder if he was the first of his siblings to finish college. I feel glad that LeAlan is trying but it's kind of sad to know that things are getting hard for him. I feel really bad that LeAlans grandma died, especially since she was the one that mostly raised him. It would be like if my almost-ninety-year-old-grandpa died. He would take care of me during the week while my mom would work until i was 2. Overall LeAlan did a good job in life but could be doing a bit better.
Maria 2
period 3/4
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